Ok...reposting my original stuff...bacon rules
Here are some pics of Bacon at 12 weeks LMP. Due date is still Jan 7, but now two different docs have said a
couple days earlier.
The picture below is roughly life size (at least if you are viewing on a 1024/768 resolution monitor. Bacon
measured 56mm head to toe during the U/S.
7/17/2003:::I should really just set up blogger for this page, i'd probably write more. But I digress...It is July 18, Bacon is about 15 weeks and some change. About the size of a plantain. mmmmm...plantains. Another appointment next week, if I can make it, I should be able to hear the hearbeat for the first time; seeing it isn't quite the same. I'll try to bring something to record it so I can post it here. Susan is probably feeling Bacon move around, but not really sure whether she is feeling that or some other preg. related sensation.
It is very surreal to experience this metamorphasis vicariously. Susan, being the scientist she is, is very good at describing each and every sensation :) This can get a bit annoying, but she doesn't realize that she's doing it most of the time, and most of the time I want to know anyway. She is also understandable self focused; earlier this week she was shocked to hear how sore I was the day after a soccer game. When have I ever not been sore? Oh well, she's been a very good sport thus far, so I can't complain. More disturbing is the utter lack of attention given to the fathers stake in the pregnancy in most books and articles Susan has been reading; I'm not making this up either, she can corroborate. It is as if these authors (almost exclusively women) feel the need to ignore the fact that men are an intrinsic part of this process. Superiority complex?? Just bad journalism/authoring/editing in my opinion.