October 27, 2003

Tables and cribs and bears, oh my

Susan's parents made their way to Chicago in their (full) pickup truck of gifts from the shower and loaners from family and friends. Fatherhood is turning out to be a good workout. I've been hauling more stuff in the last month than I had in the previous four years. Can't wait for the next move.

Jokes aside, we can't express enough gratitude for all the help we've received in getting ready for this.

We'll put the crib together tonight hopefully, most of the furniture is sanded and painted. I'll try to get some before and after pics of the kid's room for the site. I've got some good belly shots of Susan, she's expanding...more beautiful with every inch :)

Posted by Larry at October 27, 2003 09:59 AM

Glad to help. The 12-hour drive was enjoyable. Next time Edie and I see Susan and Larry will be with Bacon only he/she will have a new name (I hope).

Posted by: Dad Bootay at October 27, 2003 10:57 AM

I am so glad that Mom and Dad made it out safe and sound. They are only there for a week so put them to work. This is not a vacation for them. Need any carpentry or painting done??? Need any shopping and decorating done???? Just take it easy on Dad since Penn State and the Yankees just keep loosing. I am worried about his mental state through all the misery. Say hi to Bacon Bit "City Boy II" for me.

Posted by: Glen Bootay at October 27, 2003 12:56 PM

Hi, Susan and Larry and Edie and Gary:

I can just imagine how very much you're all enjoying -- and making the most of -- being together for a few final "carefree" days -- before Bacon takes over the show! Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy!

Lots of love to all,

Grandma :)

Posted by: Grandma at October 27, 2003 07:47 PM

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