Expecting parents can still have fun. On our way to the party someone stopped us on the street to ask if the belly was real. Behold:
Photo: Susan, help me out here...no idea who took this one.
Photo: Adam George
Larry strikes fear in the hearts of the concertgoers at the Midnight Monster Session at the Metro on Friday night, 10/31.
Daddy is looking forward to scaring little kids next year at Bacon's first Halloween party. MWHAAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!
Disclaimer: no fetuses were endangered during the filming of these activities.
CHICAGO, Illinois (AP) -- Parents should avoid the old standby poison remedy of ipecac syrup and instead call poison control centers when children ingest toxic substances, the American Academy of Pediatrics says, reversing a long-standing position.
Ipecac bad. Now I can spend all my Ipecac budget on Mr. Yuk stickers.